Tuesday, November 15, 2011


......Let's make a quilt with all those receiving blankets...

 First I cut out my pattern. You can use any type of hard-style material.  Cereal boxes do the trick great.   Then I traced the patterns onto the blankets and cut them out.
  After all my blankets are cut, I lay them out to create a pattern.  Crazy thing is, I have enough pieces to make yet another quilt.  

After the pattern is laid, I stack them in neat piles so I won't forget which way I wanted them while I sew.

 Now onto sewing, you can pin all the pieces from one row together so you don't mess up their order, but after a few rows you won't need to pin them anymore.

 Sew the pieces 1/4 inch together.  Just sew the rows together first, then we will go back and sew all of the rows together.  Right now I am sewing my rows.  Will post again when I am ready for the next step.  Cheers!